Monday, June 7, 2010

Ties, Ties, Ties...

I decided to do another sweep cleaning through our closet and tackle the pile of ties that had fallen on the floor due to inadequate space to hang them. As you can see this was no small task at a length of 5ft. long and a total of 53 ties and a toddler running around wanting to go "potty" all by herself. (She just likes to sit there by herself - I figure it's good practice.)

After this I don't want to hear anymore about how many pairs of shoes I have. :D


Anonymous said...

If you lined up all of your shoes, would they take up more than 5 feet?
I'm just wondering...

The Crisps said...

LOL We go through the that a couple times a year. We invite the missionaries over and get rid of a bunch. I think my husband has given away over 100 ties over the past year.

Steph said...

I know how you feel. Scott's goal in life is to collect as many ties as possible. I'm positive he hasn't worn all of them.

Hannah said...

Woah that's an awful lot of ties :o!!

Jaime Leigh said...

This made me giggle!!!

wej said...

very nice blog template!