Alexa thinks she needs to sit on every one's lap - never mind that they are smaller (well, in height) or a year younger.
The two monkeys. Alexa climbs on everything and anything and it all happens in a matter of seconds (literally).
We've seen a lot of progress in Alexa the last couple of months. At her 19 month check-up she weighed 17 1/2 lbs. and was 30" tall. So, what this means is on the growth chart she is average for her height as a 19 month old, and not on the chart for her weight even at a corrected age of 16 months, but the doctor said he wasn't concerned and that he suspects that she will gain more when she hits a growth spurt between 2 and 3.
Words she says: What's that, I don't know, mommy, dada, mama, papa, owe, Thank you, grandma, more, baby, eye; and within the last few days: love you, fishes, ball, yes
Other developments: Eating really good, sleeping through the night more frequently, and today, when she was at the "Y", she climbed up on this little 3 year old boy and held his face in her hands and kissed him on the lips - twice.
Things Alexa likes: Hugs and kisses (she puckers up and makes the noise), carrot juice, almost every vegetable (including Kale we found out last night), playing outside (even when it's -13 degrees), playing Xbox with Daddy (she gets her own controller), going to Grandma's house (doesn't matter which one - she gets excited), climbing, stairs, socks and shoes, Nursery (mommy likes this too), making messes and getting into mommy's stuff.