Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Ready to GO!

We've been walking at the "Y" with some friends the last couple of mornings and she seems to do pretty good in the stroller as long as we're moving. I got her all ready to go this morning (note the adorable shoes that now fit) and she decided to play (this usually only lasts 1.5-2 min). She's so much fun when she's smiley and happy - it makes everything so worth it.

I can't believe how big she's getting and how fast she's growing. She's now 3 months old and about 6 1/2 lbs., looking back it seems like she was just born a few weeks ago. We're planning to bless her on Sunday - something that seemed so far away.

Things continue to progress. She's still refulxing and her monitor goes off a few times a day - mostly when she's sleeping, but things are getting easier and we're doing better with a schedule on most days.

I love being a mother.
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Monday, September 15, 2008

She's growing fast

It's been a while, so here's a few pictures to play catch-up. Alexa now weighs 6 lbs. and within the last 3 days she has started making eye contact when someone talks to her, looking around at her surroundings. She also kind of started to talk for a few seconds today, and earlier in the week she rolled from her tummy to her back, but there were no witnesses so we don't really know how she did it.
We went shopping for the first time this past week and it was just a little fiasco. Needless to say, I didn't get a whole lot of shopping done and it took 3 times longer than it should have. No more quick trips that's for sure.
The video I wanted to post is on the camcorder so is unavailable. I've been trying to get more, but every time I start recording he stops being really funny. I'll catch him in the act sooner or later.

Alexa started smiling more. Isn't she adorable?
Sometimes she really enjoys her swing, and mommy really enjoys that too.

She found a new sleeping position - face down. Whatever works.

Today was the fist time Alexa went to church. This was her new Sunday dress G-ma Petersen made her. I have no idea what's going on in this photo, but it's pretty cute. Trevor was trying to get her to do something.

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