A few weeks ago, the first weekend in Oct., Alexa started copying me when I stuck out my tongue at her. Trevor didn't believe me at first, but then she did it when he was watching and he was convinced that she knew what she was doing. It was super cute. So, now we have it on video along with her adorable "talking" and very animated facial expressions. (She also started drooling and blowing bubbles with it about the same time.)
This is Trevor & Alexa's other new trick - Trevor balances her on one had to see how long she can stay there. She tries to sit up a little, but usually ends up slumped over. Here's a video to demonstrate.
And yet another trick - we see how long she can stand up without trying to sit down. The video I took was taped sideways so we'll have to try again.
Alexa with her Grandpa Petersen.
For Family Night we decided to do a little canning. In the process we noticed that Alexa was about the same size as a #10 can. The family got a kick out of the comparison. There are several more pictures with her and the cans on the web album.