Tuesday, July 15, 2008

First Bottle Feeding

Alexa had her first bottle feeding a week ago on Monday. She is not very interested however, as she only took 4 or 5 cc's. After about the same performance during the next few days, the nurse decided to hook her oxygen back up to help her breathing during the feedings. It worked well on the first time as she took about 15cc's. The next day it was back to the same old thing as she is only taking around 4 or 5 now even with the oxygen. The nurse said that's the main thing keeping her in the NICU now. Her bottle feedings and she also needs to gain more weight. She's up to 3lbs 5 oz now.
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Mel said...

She is just so beautiful. I love that you posted all of those pictures. I just love your little girl; I am so happy for you guys.

twhalliday said...

i remembered how pagelynn had to have 6 cc and keep it all down than she could go home... it was like everyday just saying "You can do it little one."i had the hardest time with that. good luck and i know sometimes it gets hard with her in there but before you know it you walk in that room and they have her already to go home and all the papers you have to sign to take her and you stop to think oh man today is the day can i do it..:)