Monday, August 25, 2008

Our First Outing to the Park

This was her expression all the way to the park. I thought her eyes were going to pop out of her head. I guess she was a little worried about the stroller thing (or so excited she couldn't stand it).

When we got to the park it took a good 5 min. for us to get the carseat/stroller figured out, then another 3.2 min. to get her situated (little exageration for emphasis). The first 5-7 minutes of the walk went pretty good, then she all of a sudden didn't like it. We turned around to head back to the car and the road got a little bumpy and she stopped fussing, from there on out she was silent. All in all I'd say it was a successful outing.
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Kerri and Cody said...

Ah, how cute! She does look very aware that she's going on new adventure. How exciting to finally get outside and enjoy some fresh air!

Murray's said...
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Tanya Murray said...

I love her eyes popping out---

Looks like she's trying to take everything in!

She's gonna be smart.