Alexa reached 5 lbs. last Wednesday. She continues to get bigger and become more like a new baby. Since she's now past her due date we can officially say she's a newborn. Just when I thought being a mom couldn't get harder, she now officially also has colic. Needless to say, we often have really late night, or rather early mornings, and we've spent a lot of time sleeping on the couch so Trevor can sleep. I've really been trying to live in the moment and not try to wish for her to get bigger or develop faster, but these are not the moments I want to last for very long.
A few days ago Trevor told me I created a monster. The following night we were up until 3:30AM. It was then that he understood that you do whatever it takes to keep her from screaming. Grandma LaRue gave her a massage, which she loved, and it seemed to help relieve some of her discomfort.
It's not all bad. When she's awake she responds a lot more to people talking/singing to her and seems to enjoy it. Especially her Grandpa Petersen. If we can get a consent a video will be posted soon.
Hang in there; you are doing great! Sleepless nights are the worst and I think every mother wishes they would go faster than they do.
Sounds like you have been busy!!
I told myself for so long that sleep was overrated that I actually started to believe it. . .
Looking forward to the video--she's just so adorable!
Wow! I am way behind on your blog! How's it going now? We had to run the blowdryer for Audrey. :p
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